Please choose what type of organization you are


Please choose what type of organization you are


Intake Form

Please fill out this form to help begin your site.

Website Setup Intake Form

Primary Contact

Basic Church Information

Church Life Info

Website Domain Info

A domain can be called by several names: website address, URL, or domain name. Like a physical address, the domain is the online address for your church that people will type in the web browser to find your website. It can often look something like
Please log into GoDaddy and give access to reformation Sites by adding the information below
When asked who to give access to add the following email: Secondly, allow us to access the “Products and Domains”

Do you use a Church Management System?

Sermon Manager Information

Please describe the way you are currently using sermons for your church. This is important for

Group Management

Do you use a group management software like Church Center, Breeze, or

Is there anything else you need Reformation Sites to know before beginning the setup of the new website?

Thank you for filling out this form. This will help expedite the setup process. If you have any further information that you need to make know please reach out to support by clicking here.